Monday 5 October 2009

Best current camera for geotagging?

In my view the best current digital camera for general photography with gps tags included with the photo is the Nikon P6000.

See this link to Nikon UK/EU for product info. on the P6000 with built in GPS: Nikon Coolpix P6000.

All the usual digital camera features are there with a 13 Mpixel sensor for good sized enlargements and an easy hold grip which allows for single handed operation. The GPS takes a few minutes to lock on to the satellites, particularly after moving any distance. It can seem like an age while you wait and it seems to respond best to being left in the same position while it works out where it is. However, this disadvantage is the same on all the GPS units that I have tried, including a number of Garmin systems. Once the satellites have been locked you can walk around taking shots with the camera hanging on it's neck strap and it keeps satellite lock well showing a confirmation on the back screen in the shape of a small satellite symbol.

It is definitely a whole lot easier to carry, and much cheaper, than my other SLR based system with a Garmin Geko clamped to the hotshoe. Well recommended.

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